A high reverse bias voltage creates a strong internal electric field, which accelerates the electrons through the silicon crystal lattice and produces secondary electrons by impact ionization. 一个高反向偏置电压产生一个强有力的内部电场,加速了通过硅晶格的电子,并通过碰撞电离产生二次电子。
A secondary standard ionization chamber for low energy X-rays dosimetry at protection level 防护水平低能X射线次级标准电离室的研制
A secondary standard ionization gauge of model FB-1 is a triode type gauge. 本文介绍FB-1型副标准电离真空规的结构和电参数。
This paper mainly introduces that the Stark fission energy of the hydrogen atoms in the outer-field is calculated by the perturbation method, and discusses the secondary effect and the question on the ionization of the hydrogen atoms in the strong outer-field. 本文将主要介绍用微扰论的方法计算氢原子的斯塔克分裂能及二次效应,并简要讨论氢原子在强场中的电离问题。
The theory of SEEA is based on the insulator's surface emitted secondary electrons when bombarded by electron, includes the process of electron-simulated desorption ( ESD), the process of desorption gas ionization and the process of the ion influencing the flashover. SEEA理论以绝缘子表面在电子轰击下发射二次电子为基础,包含了电子诱发脱附(ESD),和脱附气体离子化并对闪络过程产生影响等过程,对表面闪络现象进行了解释。
Impact ionization is an important process in radiation damage of biological. The secondary electrons caused by the impact ionization process are the main reason which can lead to DNA double stand breaks ( DSBs) of cancer cells. 碰撞电离是辐射导致生物学损伤的重要过程,其中产生的次级电子是癌细胞DNA双链断裂的主要原因。